What We Believe
The following topics are the basic beliefs we do our best to teach and practice. Each is rooted in the scriptures and compels us to stand up in our lives for the sake of the Kingdom of God. There are areas of the Christian faith that can be debated like the timing of Jesus’ return and whether one can lose your salvation. We choose to have good discussion over these different opinions but not to divide over them.We also choose to stand firm behind the tenants of our faith listed below, these are not a matter of debate but are also good for great discussion.
The Bible
We believe the Bible is inspired and without error or failure of basic contents and meaning in the original manuscripts. We believe the Bible is historical and contains all the necessary truth to lead people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. (Ps 19:7; Jhn 17:17; Rom 15:4; I Thess 2:13; II Thess 3:15-17)
We believe in one living God who has complete power and wisdom and is good and pure. We believe He is loving, forgiving and faithful. We believe God created all things. We believe this one God has three expressions of Himself: The Father (God), The Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. (John 1:1-2; 4:24; 5:18; 10:30)
Jesus Christ
We believe Jesus Christ was God’s only son born of the Virgin Mary. We believe Jesus was fully man and fully God. We believe He lived on Earth and was crucified as a sacrifice for the sins of all people. We believe Christ rose from the dead, went to Heaven and now intercedes for the body of believers to God the Father. (Matthew 28:5-9; Luke 24:4-7)
We believe men and women were created by God in his own image (Gen 1:27), but because of disobedience and a corrupt nature, they are inclined to do wrong. (Gen 3:6; 6:5; Rom 5:12) Man is not capable of achieving a life without sin on his own. (Prov 20:9; Rom 3:20; Gal 2:16)
We believe that Jesus Christ was given by God as a sacrifice for the sins of all people. Christ died on the cross to mend the broken relationship which was caused by man’s sin of disobedience. Three days after His death, He rose victorious over death, providing atonement for eternal life. (Jhn 1:29; 3:6; I Cor 5:7; Eph 5:2; I Ptr 1:19) We believe when people trust Jesus with their lives, their sin and themselves, they become followers of the Lord, are forgiven and are members of God’s family.
What about sin committed after salvation? We believe that after we have given our lives to Jesus and been forgiven, sin is still possible in our lives. In this life there is no level of holiness (purity) from which it is impossible to fall. By the grace of a loving God, we are able to return to Him, by confession and repentance, find forgiveness and restored fellowship with God. (Matt18:21-22; I Jhn 1:9; 2:1, 24-25)
The Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit is the person of the Trinity who lives within us, giving us power to live a holy life and guiding us to truth. (Rom 8:9; Gal 4:6)
The Second Coming of Christ
We believe in the personal return of Jesus Christ to be united with all His believers. The time of His return is unknown so we must live in a state of readiness, wanting to be found faithful on the great Day of the Lord. This is the glorious hope of all God’s children. (Jhn 14:1-3; I Thess 4:13-18; James 5:7-8; Rev 22:12, 20)